If you learn only methods, you'll be tied to your methods, but if you learn principles you can devise your own methods.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
![And I mean it!l](http://gaia.flemingc.on.ca/~jmior/EDU705Web/images/student_for_dad.jpg)
"Nulla e piu caro a Dio e egli
uomini che la mansuetudine e l'umilta."
"Nothing is more pleasing to God and men than kindness and humility."
St. Anthony of Padova
![](Mohawk 2014/cartoon different students.png)
![](Durham 2014/everybidy-is-a-genius.jpeg)
![CMU Graduation](http://gaia.flemingc.on.ca/~jmior/EDU705Web/Georgian/CMU Grad May 93.jpg)
Left: CMU Grad 93 Centre PhD 2003 Right CMU Grad 93
I will be there when nobody else is, to care, kiss away tears
bring smiles on rainy days.
And always - to be a very best friend.
Because everybody needs somebody...
That's me.
serai là quand il n'y a personnone d'autre.
Je prendrai soin de toi, j'embrasserai tes larmes
et je te ferai sourire les jours de pluie.
serai toujours ton meilleur ami.
tout, tout le monde a besoin d'un autre.
L'autre, c'est moi!
A quotation from an Unknown Angel
![](Mohawk 2014/Terry Greene.jpg)
Terry Greene - At Mohawk
![](Mohawk 2014/Cathy Ozols.jpg)
Cathy Ozols - At Mohawk
![](Mohawk 2014/Desbiens.jpg)
Dr. Brian Desiens - At Mohawk, Humber and Durham
![](Humber 2014/Richard 2010.png)
![](Humber 2014/HEQCO Logo.jpg)
Dr. Richard Wiggers - At Humber and Durham
I believe in collaborative learning.. We mucst help each other to succeed.
Click on the photo above to learn a lesson from geese.
![](http://gaia.flemingc.on.ca/~jmior/EDU705Web/Georgian/Ability Motivation Attitude.jpg)